Major Requirements

The psychology major affords students great flexibility in selecting upper-division courses to fit individual goals and interests. Upon completing their training, UO Psychology majors should have a broad knowledge of psychology, including basic statistical techniques and ethical issues, and be skilled at reading, evaluating, and communicating about the primary scientific literature in psychology. More specifically, they should be able to:

  • Identify major theories, research findings, and methodological approaches in a variety of key content areas including, for example, cognition, neuroscience, development, social behavior, personality, and psychopathology and mental health; and apply research findings to human behavior in everyday life.
  • Find relevant articles in the primary psychological literature on a given topic, identify key research questions and hypotheses in scientific articles, and critically evaluate the research design and the quality of evidence presented.
  • Choose appropriate basic statistical analysis techniques for a specific research question and set of data, complete basic data analyses, and summarize the results in an APA-style report.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively about psychological topics, including methodological and ethical issues in psychology, based on an understanding of both the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence.

Course Requirements

Please meet with an advisor to discuss your options and develop an individualized academic plan. To earn a degree, students must meet the following requirements:

  • 56 total psychology credit hours
  • 48 upper division psychology credit hours (includes 16 at UO)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 in psychology coursework required

PSY 410 courses (except for Evolutionary Psychology) count toward elective credits only. All courses, except electives, must be taken graded. Electives may be taken P/N and students must receive a P.

Lower Division Core

Each class equals 4 credits, taken graded.

  • PSY 201 and PSY 202 (must receive a C or higher)
  • WR 121 and WR 122 OR WR 123 (WR 122 or 123 is a prerequisite for PSY 303)
  • Math 243 or Math 246 or higher as a prerequisite for PSY 302  

Upper Division Methods/Foundations

Each class equals 4 credits, taken graded. Students must receive a C- or higher.

  • PSY 301 (prerequisite for PSY 302)
  • PSY 302 (prerequisite for PSY 303 OR substitute Math 343, 425, 461, 462)
  • PSY 303 (prerequisite for 400-level courses; PSY 201, 202, 301, & 302 must be completed before 303)

Upper Division Core

Each class equals 4 credits, taken graded. Students must receive a C- or higher.

  • Choose 3 courses from PSY304-309, must include PSY304 or 305 (PSY201 or PSY202 pre-requisites for this level; see course schedule for specifics).

Upper Division Specialty

Each class equals 4 credits, and 12 credit hours must betaken graded. Students must receive a C- or higher. Many courses have pre-requisites; review our course listings for details.

Select at least 3 courses from:

PSY 410 Evol. Psy


PSY 420


PSY 433


PSY 436


PSY 438

PSY 440


PSY 445


PSY 449


PSY 450


PSY 457

PSY 458


PSY 459


PSY 468


PSY 472


PSY 473

PSY 475
PSY 476
PSY 478
PSY 479
PSY 480


Students must take a minimum of 12 credits, and 8 credits must be from 300-400 level content courses in psychology (or LING 396, or HPHY 333). Elective courses must be taken graded (must receive a C- or higher) or P/N and must be passed.

  • Only 4 credits of PSY 401 and/or 409 will count toward the major elective requirements.
  • Students will not be given psychology major credit for LING 396 if they also take PSY 440.
  • Only PSY 410 Evolutionary Psychology counts toward core course requirements. All other PSY 410 courses count as elective credits only. 

Transfer Students

If you are transferring to the University of Oregon from another school, please visit the Admissions Office website to learn about transfer admissions requirements, or visit the Office of the Registrar website to learn how courses from other schools will transfer to the university.

To plan your Psychology major, refer to the major checklist. Additionally, download the sample plan and the worksheet to make your plan for upcoming terms.

While all credits for transfer courses count for UO degree, direct equivalency of transfer work in psychology will be given only for courses taken in other programs that equate, by level and content, to UO coursework. If you have questions about how psychology courses from another school transfer, please email Jagdeep Bala or request an equivalency review for coursework by using this form:

Transfer Equivalency Review Request Form

Why Study Psychology?

What’s required to earn a degree? It's all summarized in our major map.