Read the latest research from our department.

Moral Foundations Partially Explain the Associations of Machiavellianism, Grandiose Narcissism, and Psychopathy with Homonegativity and Transnegativity
Cameron S. Kay and Sarah Dimakis, doctoral students
People with antagonistic (or “dark”) personality traits (e.g., Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, and psychopathy) are reportedly more racist, sexist, and xenophobic than their non-antagonistic counterparts. We examined whether people with antagonistic personality traits are also more likely to express homonegative and transnegative attitudes, and, if so, whether this can be explained by their endorsement of the moral foundations. We found that people high in Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, and psychopathy are more likely to endorse homonegative and transnegative views.
Read the published research in the Journal of Homosexuality and a story about their work in Around the O.

Mechanisms of Risky Alcohol Use in Young Adults: Linking Sleep Duration and Timing to Reward- and Stress-Related Brain Function
Melynda Casement, associate professor
Examining the relationship between sleep quality and psychological response to stress and reward could reveal insights to help break the cycle of poor mental health and poor sleep health in young adults. Melynda Casement, an associate professor in the University of Oregon’s Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, and director of the university’s Sleep Lab, is the principal investigator on a National Institutes of Health-funded study looking into sleep quality and its impacts.

The Intersection of Adolescent Development and Anti-Black Racism
Jennifer Pfeifer, Leslie Leve, and Nick Allen, professors
A trio of UO faculty members are part of a group that just released a new report on anti-Black racism and inequity during adolescence. The new publication from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence shares research on how racism can affect adolescent development and offers recommendations to support Black youth during their middle and high school years. UO psychologist Jennifer Pfeifer is the co-director of the organization, which focuses on the health, education and well-being of adolescents through developmental science.
Read the National Scientific Council on Adolescence report and a story about their work in Around the O.

Providing vitamins to SE Asian women can boost infant health
Jeffrey Measelle and Dare Baldwin, professors
Polished white rice is a staple of diets in Southeast Asia, which poses a serious public health problem because the grain has been stripped of its vitamins and minerals during processing, according to new research by UO scientists. A new study led by psychologists at the UO found that providing thiamine supplements to breast-feeding mothers in Cambodia can help protect the neurocognitive development of their infants and especially benefits their language development.
Read the published research in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences and a story about their work in Around the O.