Connect with your Graduate Student Peers
Because of the relatively smaller size of our PhD program, students get the opportunity to know and work closely with their fellow students. Research labs and teaching undergraduates help bring our graduate students together and promote a sense of community. Our students are active members of professional societies, like the American Society of Biomechanics and the American College of Sports Medicine. Some of these societies have regional chapters, giving students the opportunity to organize local meetings at the UO.

During my doctoral work in Human Physiology, I felt like I was working on all the facets I would need for a future career in academia: developing teaching effectiveness, expanding the depth and breadth of my knowledge base, mentoring undergraduates, learning how to work as a team, and manage large research projects. It was all challenging, but I cannot believe how well prepared I felt for a faculty position when I graduated. I apply all these skills daily as a professor in exercise science, and often find myself sharing some technique, tip, or skill I learned at UO with my colleagues.
Brett Ely,
Human Physiology, ‘18
Additional Graduate Student Resources
- Graduate Student Teaching Award
- Graduate Student Forms
- General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS)
- The Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF)
- Campus Resources
- Transportation
Campus Resources
- Email Accounts: Email accounts are obtained from the University of Oregon IT Department located at 151 McKenzie Hall. You must have been admitted and received a Duck ID before you can set up your email account. Please see the attached link for more information: IT Service Portal.
- International Students: International Students should check with the Office of International Affairs to ensure compliance with visa and registration requirements if they have not done so already. Phone: 541-346-3206, Email:, Location: 330 Oregon Hall.
- Keys & Access: Graduate students are issued keys and/or electronic codes to their offices and teaching rooms. Your faculty advisor and instructors for classes you are assigned to will inform you what rooms and buildings you will need access to. Once you know what you need access to, contact Jen Flynn and she will complete a key/access request for you.
- Libraries: The University of Oregon library system includes several different libraries, including separate Law, Science, and Art/Architecture libraries. The place for physiology graduate students to begin is with the Science Library, located in the courtyard between Cascade Hall and Klamath Hall and open from 8:00am – 9:00pm. An excellent resource is Annie Zeidman-Karpinski, the Science Reference Librarian, Email:, 541-346-2663. Visit the UO Libraries and Allan Price Science Commons & Research Library websites.
- SRC Center: Another part of your student fees allows unlimited gym access to the Student Recreation Center (SRC) for any term in which you are registered for credits.
- Mailboxes: Each graduate student will be assigned a mailbox located in the main office. Graduate students receive important information in their mailboxes and via email, so it is important to check each of these regularly.
- Offices: Each graduate student will be assigned either an office or workstation within their advisor’s lab space, some of which are shared. Offices may be reassigned under certain circumstances.
- Room Reservations: Many labs and human physiology spaces have rooms available for meetings, presentations, etc. which graduate students can coordinate the use of with their faculty advisor. Human Physiology conference rooms Esslinger 132 & 254 may be reserved by GEs for teaching purposes, private meetings that require student confidentiality, and various degree related activities like defenses or testing. Rooms must be reserved prior to use by contacting the main office. Additionally, larger spaces can be reserved around campus for degree presentation purposes.
- R.O.S.E. (Reusable Office Supply Exchange): This free self-service program is a place for you to drop-off and pick-up working surplus office supplies from around campus. You can access the key via the English department’s regular office hours (8:00-11:45am, 1:00-4:15pm, Monday-Friday). The English Department is located on the first floor of PLC. Use the logbook to record what and how much you took.
- Parking: Parking rules and regulations can be found at: Parking Policy and Regulations. Applications for parking permits must be submitted to Transportation Services. Students must fill out a student permit application. The online process is for daytime student permits or faculty/staff permits (not including reserved spaces). Parking at the UO is limited. All vehicles using the UO parking lots must purchase a parking permit. The annual permit is in effect from October 1 through September 30 of the following year. A limited number of metered parking spaces are also available through Parkmobile.
- Bike: The University of Oregon is partnered with Project529 for bicycle registration. The mobile-based bicycle registration system is fast, easy, and free, and can assist in recovering a stolen bicycle. Registration is required for all bicycles parked on the University of Oregon campus. Find additional information about biking to campus and bike rentals on the UO Transportation website.
- Public Buses. A part of your student fees goes towards paying for numerous campus services, one of which allows students to ride any Lane Transit District bus for free. You will need to download the UMO app and redeem a benefit code from Transportation Services. The EmX, the rapid transit system for the Eugene/Springfield area, stops from right outside McKenzie Hall, at Dads’ Gate Station to Transportation Services, at Walnut Station. Bus lines connect neighborhoods to the main station downtown, where you can catch the EmX. Some bus lines drop you off right at the front door of campus on Kincaid Street. To view complete bus schedules, visit the Lane Transit District website.
Writing Resources
- Best Practices for Grant Writing at the UO
- Dissertation Writing Assistance. Dissertation writing help is available to students at all stages of their dissertation from conception to final formatting. At no expense to students, the Division of Graduate Studies is sponsoring one-hour sessions with Alexa Weinstein, an experienced graduate-level academic editor and dissertation writing instructor. To schedule, email Alexa Weinstein with your upcoming available times.
- Grant Writing Resources: Grant & Funding and Writing Support and Opportunities
- Proposal Writing Resources
- Training & Mentoring Resources provides professional development, training, and a mentoring community. Resources include Dissertation Success Curriculum, and writing challenges, among others.
- Writing Person-to-person and peer support includes Dissertation Writing Assistance, and Writing Circles / Writing Acceleration Groups
- UO workshop to assist students increase their chance of receiving NSF grants