Physics majors or undergraduates interested in majoring in physics can schedule an advising appointment with our director of undergraduate studies. Appointments are available during office hours on Zoom or in person (by special request).
Meet the Department Advisor

Dr. Scott Fisher
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-4799
Office: 103C Klamath hall (2nd floor)
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 2-5 p.m.
Profile Page
Tykeson Hall Advising
Need help planning your course of study? Tykeson College and Career Advising is the academic and career advising destination for all students who are declared majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences. At Tykeson Hall, you can work with professional college and career advisors to schedule your classes, plan for graduation, discuss career possibilities, and more.
Students should also continue to seek advice from faculty when they are looking for specific information about their chosen major or detailed information about their major department and its curricular and co-curricular offerings.
Location: Tykeson Hall
Phone: 541-346-9200
MS Teams/Email:
Drop-in Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Drop-In Help Center
Any student can get tutoring support for Physics courses from TAs in our drop-in help center, located in the Price Science Library. Drop-in services are available during fall, winter, and spring terms. Special schedules are available during finals week.
Diversity Resources
As a member of the University of Oregon community, you have a right to learn, work, and live in an environment free of discrimination. To report an incident or raise concerns regarding harassment or discrimination please contact Dr. Scott Fisher.
Physics Advising FAQs
I took a Physics course at another university. How do I transfer those credits to the UO?
Make an advising appointment with Scott Fisher. Please complete the Transfer Credit Articulation Request form, uploading any supporting documents such as a course syllabus and/or an extended course description. This information will help the course be correctly transferred.
I’d like to add Physics as a major or minor. How do I do that?
You can submit a major or minor change online. Alternately, a paper form to add Physics as your major or minor is available in the Physics Office, 120 Willamette Hall. Complete the form and the office staff will take care of the rest. You’ll receive an email when the major/minor change information is sent to the Registrar’s Office.
I’m considering adding Physics as my major. Where can I get more information?
Read through the UO Physics Degree Requirements. If you have any questions, feel free to make an advising appointment with Scott Fisher. See the link above to declare Physics as your major.
I’m trying to register for a Physics or Astronomy course but received an error message that I don’t meet the prerequisite requirement. What can I do about this?
In most cases, we can assist you with a prerequisite override that will allow you to register for a PHYS or ASTR course. Please submit a Prerequisite Override Request form. Your request will typically be processed within 1-2 business days. You’ll receive an email when the form has been processed.