All three tracks (Standard, Pure Mathematics, and Secondary Teaching) include the calculus, bridge, fundamentals, and computer programming requirement. All three tracks will result in the same math degree; the course sequences vary based on each track listed below.
Standard Track
This track allows the most flexibility and pairs well with other STEM majors. Most students will choose the Standard Track.
Pure Mathematics Track
This track gives the deepest dive into the subject and is best for students considering graduate school in a mathematical field. It is recommended for students who are considering graduate school in mathematics and has a stronger focus on proof-based mathematics.
Secondary Teaching Track
The Secondary Teaching Track is best for students who plan to teach math at the middle school level or higher. It focuses on building skills in geometry, algebra, statistics, and calculus, and many of the courses emphasize communicating mathematics among the learning outcomes.
Calculus Requirement
Calculus is a core area of mathematics and is a prerequisite for many courses required by the major. The major requires a year of calculus; course prerequisites to calculus must be completed first if they were not taken before entering the university. There are two calculus options open to potential math majors.
- Our standard sequence is Math 251-253 which emphasizes mathematical and physical applications of calculus.
- A similar option is Math 246-247-253, which emphasizes applications in the life sciences and is equivalent to 251-253 for purposes of math majors.
(Note that Math 241-242 is our calculus for business majors and does not satisfy the requirements for mathematics majors.)
Bridge Requirement
Before taking most upper division courses, students are required to take courses that focus on mathematical proof at an elementary level. In addition to this, students are required to take a selection of Math Lab courses (Math 201-206), which are two-credit courses focusing on mathematical problem solving, use of mathematical technology, and skills for communicating mathematics. Students are recommended to complete Math Labs as soon as possible after they have declared a math major.
There are two options for meeting the Bridge Requirement:
- Math 307 and four Math Labs. The Math 307 course is an introduction to proof. The mathematical focus is typically problems from set theory, combinatorics, logic and discrete math although the real point of the course is giving students practice and feedback so that they can learn how to do mathematical proofs. The prerequisite is Math 252 or equivalent.
- Math 231-232 and two Math Labs. The Math 231-232 sequence is two terms of discrete math. The sequence is essential for students with a computer science major, but the material is of interest for mathematics students as well.
Fundamentals Requirement
All math majors must take a two-quarter upper division sequence that explores an area of proof-based mathematics in depth.
- Math 316-317: Fundamentals of Analysis. This sequence explores limits, continuity, and the other foundational ideas of calculus from a theoretical viewpoint. The prerequisite for 316 is Math 253 and the bridge requirement.
- Math 347-348: Fundamentals of Number Theory. This sequence explores the theory of prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and other topics from modern number theory. The prerequisite for Math 347 is Math 253 and the bridge requirement.
- Math 444-445 : Introduction to Abstract Algebra. This sequence explores the theory of groups, rings, fields, and related notions from modern abstract algebra. The prerequisite for Math 444 is Math 342 and the bridge requirement.
Note that students are strongly advised to take their Fundamentals sequence very soon after satisfying the bridge requirement.
Computer Science Requirement
All math majors must take a course in computer programming. This is because most jobs that uses mathematics, require computer programming skills. CS 122, CS 210, or another CS course approved by a mathematics advisor will satisfy this requirement.