Bringing Student Groups

Students on coastal beach collecting samples

Groups wishing to use OIMB facilities should contact Laura Screen to make reservations. A 24-hour notice is necessary if you wish to cancel or reschedule your visit. All cancellations made within 24 hours of scheduled arrival date will be charged $20.00.

PO Box 5389 
Charleston, OR 97420 

On-Campus Housing

OIMB has dormitories that can house 50 people and has an additional five family cottages, a four-unit apartment building, and a studio apartment. Demand is highest in the spring and summer. Due to high student enrollments in summer, visiting faculty and seminar speakers receive priority when determining housing availability. Contact Laura Screen for any housing inquiries.

Housing Facilities

Research Facilities

There are five teaching labs on campus that each accommodate 24 students and are equipped with sea tables and running sea water. Microscopes and projection equipment can be arranged. We also have the R/V Megalopa, a 48-food aluminum hull trawler, which can be rented for class use.