Marine Biology Internship Program

Student floating in a yellow canoe next to some shrubbery

The Marine Biology Internship Program is designed to help you connect your academic studies to practical applications by offering academic credit for a marine biology-focused work experience. A well-designed internship will allow you to develop your professional skills, gain hands-on experience, and evaluate career opportunities. Internships may not be available for all terms at OIMB as they are dependent on availability at participating institutions.

To discuss a possible internship, contact Maya Watts.

Participating institutions include Charleston Marine Life Center, Coos Watershed, South Slough NERR, and ODFW.

Jessalynn Spears

Explore a New Place

“I did a seven-month internship in Bocas del Tora, Panama, researching at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. I worked mainly with urchins; collecting, spawning and raising their larvae and applying both chronic and acute stress situations. When I was not working, I enjoyed kayaking around the island, trying to spot the sloths, howler monkeys, and other exotic creatures. I also enjoyed snorkeling and hanging out at the beach!”

—Jessalynn Spears, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Students and teacher exploring coast for marine biology samples

Internship Program Details

BI 406 Practicum: Marine Biology Internship (pass/no pass credit)

This page outlines the details and logistics of undertaking a marine biology internship for UO credit. It emphasizes that earning academic credit for work experience requires more than just showing up for work and doing a good job. You will be required to complete a series of assignments designed to encourage thoughtful reflection on your internship experience. You are expected to be self-motivated and able to complete course assignments without reminders. In order to receive a passing grade, you must complete all assignments by the due date.

Each credit for which you register requires 30 hours of work for the term. Follow the steps below to register for credit for an internship.

Apply to the Internship Program

Apply to the internship program, identifying the partner institution you hope to work with and why.

If you are selected, connect with your site supervisor and discuss your internship project. Your internship needs to involve professional-level skills and experiences. Internships normally are associated with institutions in the Coos Bay area (ODFW, South Slough NERR, Coos Watershed, BLM) but there are other internship opportunities that are posted on the internship page on the OIMB web site that may be eligible for UO academic credit. If you have an internship away from OIMB, however, you cannot use that term to replace one of the three that you need for your marine biology major.

Apply to the Internship Program

Complete the Necessary Paperwork

To earn credit for an internship, you must submit both an Internship Description and an Internship Agreement Form.

Internship Description

You must do this before the internship begins, or within the first week of the term so that you are pre-authorized to register for internship credit. Arrange to contact or meet with your internship supervisor and determine what you are going to do for your internship and the details of your work arrangement. Please be sure to let your supervisor know that he or she will need to sign your time sheets and complete a brief evaluation form at the end of your internship.

Submit a 1-2 page internship description to Maya Watts that includes:

  1. Title: “Title of Internship, Location of Internship”, your name and term.
  2. Position description: Provide a detailed description of your internship, including:
    • Goals. These can include both the goals of the organization (specifically why do they want an intern, and broadly what is their larger mission and goals) as well as your general goals in pursuing this internship.
    • Your learning objectives. These should be stated in the format: “By the end of this internship I will be able to: X, Y, Z.”
    • Work plan. This should detail the tasks you will be undertaking as part of your internship. This work plan should provide tentative tasks for the whole term. In some cases, you may not know all the details so include as much information as you can.
  3. Academic reflection: This should include discussion of how the internship experience will enhance your program of academic study here at the U of O.

Internship Agreement Form

This form should be signed by you and your internship site supervisor and e-mailed to Maya Watts. You must do this before you are pre-authorized to register.

Internship Agreement Form

Course Requirements


Expected Length

Week Due

#1: Internship Description

1-2 pages

Friday of week 1

#2: Midterm Update

~2 pages

Friday of week 5

#3: Final Report, timesheet, and supervisor’s evaluation

~2 pages for report, plus attachments

Wednesday of Finals week

Midterm Update

A two-page midterm update should provide a thoughtful overview of your internship to date and is due on Friday of Week Five. This report should be typed in a word document, spell-checked and proof- read, and then submitted to Maya Watts via email as an attachment. The subject line should say: BI 406 Internship Midterm Update: Your Name

The basic format for your midterm report should be as follows:

  1. Title: “Midterm Update, Title of Internship, Location of Internship”, name and term.
  2. Work description: A description of the duties or tasks you have performed to date and any changes from the work plan outlined in the original contract.
  3. Work reflection: A statement about how those duties or tasks have helped to further the organization’s mission.
  4. Academic reflection: An analysis of how your experience relates to your academic studies. In particular, describe how your experience relates to the principles, concepts and knowledge you have gained in your academic career so far.
  5. Timesheet: A timesheet signed by you and your site supervisor, documenting how many hours you have completed to date.

Final Report, Timesheet and Supervisor’s Evaluation

A two-page final report should provide a thoughtful reflection of your internship experience and is due on the Wednesday of Finals Week. This report should be typed in a word document, spell-checked and proofread, and then submitted to Maya Watts via email as an attachment. The subject line should say: BI 409 Internship Final Report: Your Name

  1. Title of Internship, Location of Internship, Your Name, Term.
  2. Outcomes: Discuss what you gained from the internship in terms of specific skills and/or knowledge. Offer reflections on the goals you set for the term in your project/work description.
  3. Strengths of the internship: Comment on the tasks, training, supervision, work environment, etc. What was particularly effective or beneficial?
  4. Weaknesses of the internship: Comment on the tasks, training, supervision, work environment, etc. What could have been improved and how? Please include specific suggestions for improvement.
  5. Advice for future interns: What should future interns know to be successful at this site? Comment on how this organization helps to further the goals of marine biology majors.

In addition to your reflections on your internship, you will need to the following two items with your final report:

Other Internship and Research Opportunities