Students wanting a biology major with emphasis in marine biology must satisfy all requirements for the biology major.
- When taking the minimum of 44 upper-division credits, they should include the course requirements outlined below.
- Students must spend at least one term (academic or summer) at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) in Charleston Oregon.
Use the checklist below to track your progress.
Marine Biology Emphasis Checklist
300-level Courses
Take at least one course from each of the three areas of 300-level courses listed below:
Area I Cellular/Molecular
- BI 320 Genetics
- BI 322 Cell Biology
- BI 326 Immunology & Infectious Disease
- BI 328 Developmental Biology
- BI 360 Neurobiology
- BI 457 Marine Biol: Mol Marine Biol (OIMB only)*
Area II Systematics/Organisms
- BI 330/331 Microbiology and Lab
- BI 353 Sensory Physiology
- BI 356 Animal Physiology
- BI 359 Plant Biology
- BI 399 Visual Systems
- BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology (OIMB only)**
Area III Ecology/Evolution
- BI 357 Marine Biology
- BI 370 Ecology
- BI 374 Conservation Biology
- BI 380 Evolution
- BI 390 Animal Behavior
- BI 395 Tropical Ecology
- BI 474 Marine Ecology (OIMB only, spring) (5 cr)
*BI 457 Marine Biology: Marine Molecular Biology can be used to satisfy only Area I or the 400-level category.
** If BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology is used to satisfy Area II only four credits may be applied towards the 400-level credits
400-level Courses
Take 13 or more credits of 420-499 courses listed below. All of these 400-level courses are taught at OIMB during either academic or summer terms. Thirteen credits translate into a minimum of two and possibly three of the listed courses and could be done in one term at OIMB. In addition, all of these courses have field and/or lab components.
- BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology
- BI 458 Biological Oceanography
- BI 457 Marine Biol: Marine Molecular Biology
- BI 474 Marine Ecology
- BI 455 Marine Birds and Mammals
- BI 457 Biology of Fishes
- BI 454 Estuarine Biology
- BI 457 Comparative Embryology & Larval Biology
- BI 457 Marine Conservation Biology
- BI 457 Deep Sea Biology
- Other topics when offered