Funding and Research Support

Almost all of our department's graduate students are fully funded with a stipend—master's students for two years and doctoral students for five years, as long as the student is making satisfactory academic progress and fulfilling their duties. While most of this funding comes from department Graduate Employee (GE) appointments, many of our students have earned funding for an academic year from the Division of Graduate Studies and others from completely outside of the UO (these are usually multiple-year fellowships). 

Learn more about the GE appointments - in Earth Sciences, we most often do academic department GE appointments, either Teaching or Research. Our appointments in this department are set at the maximum FTE allowed for a GE (0.49). Because we support all of our graduate students and funds are limited, admission to our department is very competitive. 

Division of Graduate Studies funding opportunities are usually recommended from within the department, where candidates are selected and nominated to the Division by our admissions committee or individual faculty. Incoming applicants have opportunities like the Raymund and First-Year Fellowship. Current students could be selected for the UO Doctoral Research Fellowship or Lokey Doctoral Science Fellowship. Almost all of the Division of Graduate Studies fellowships are reserved for doctoral students. 

Non-UO funding sources include the NSF GRFP, NASA fellowships, and the GEM fellowship program. Contact your advisor if you are interested in these. 

Current graduate students are also offered an annual allowance to present at one conference every year, and in addition may apply for a Spring Award for research support. Current students should use this form to submit their request for these funding options. 

Request Funding