Research Experience for Undergraduates

Group of students posing on the Oregon coast

Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast

The EMBOC Program will not be running in Summer 2025.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s research experience for undergraduates (REU) program, “Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast” (EMBOC) offers fellowship opportunities for undergraduate students from both two-year and four-year colleges and universities to participate in ongoing marine science research at the University of Oregon’s marine lab during the summer months.

In addition to conducting research at OIMB, students participating in the EMBOC program will participate in weekly professional development discussions and training sessions, social activities, field trips and marine biology seminars.

Participating students receive a $600/week stipend ($5400 total for 9 weeks, paid monthly). Travel to and from OIMB is covered. In addition, room and board will be provided at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology for the duration of the 9-week EMBOC program.

The EMBOC program is committed to diversifying the next generation of marine scientists in the research community. We strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups to apply.

Host research institute: University of Oregon’s marine laboratory the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston, OR.

Funding for this REU site is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences located in Arlington, VA. (OCE-1659447) The NSF contact for this program is Elizabeth Rom. NSF does not handle REU applications. Please contact each REU site directly for application information.

Student sitting next to display of marine biology samples
Students sitting at table explaining marine biology equipment

How to Apply

To be eligible to apply you must:

  • Be a US citizen or a permanent resident.
  • Be an undergraduate attending a two-year or four-year college/university (enrolled in spring and fall 2024).
    • For four-year college students: Have completed a minimum of one year of college-level introductory biology classes.
    • For two-year college students: Have completed one introductory biology course.
  • Be willing to make a full-time commitment for the nine-week program (40 hours per week).

A complete application includes:

  1. A completed online application.
  2. A single letter of recommendation. In the online application you will be asked the name and e-mail address of your recommender. An e-mail request will be automatically sent to your recommender after the completion of your application. However, we suggest asking your recommender in advance and post-application to ensure they are expecting and receive an e-mail request from us. If they do not, please send them to the request form.

NOTE: Letters of recommendation should uploaded with the online application, NOT sent to Maya or Richard.

Questions? Contact the program managers Maya Watts or Richard Emlet. Phone: 541-346-7277.

Participating Faculty and Labs

This is a list of faculty who are participating in the OIMB REU program and a brief overview of their research interests. REU applicants will need to indicate their top two lab choices on their application. More information about each lab can be found by clicking the faculty member’s name.

Student posing next to display of marine biology samples
Research student holding a shell standing on Oregon coast

Student Opportunities

Participants in our undergraduate research program will engage in a variety of professional development opportunities, including:

  • Weekly lunches with faculty and local marine scientists
  • Weekly marine biology seminars
  • Discussions and skill development in:
    • Research ethics
    • STEM development pathways
    • Transferring to a four-year school
    • Applying for jobs or graduate school
    • The use of professional social media
    • Preparation of posters and presentations
    • Conveying research to broader audiences

Social activities and field trips may include:

  • Tidepooling on the rocky shores
  • Dredging boat trip on OIMB’s R/V Pluteus
  • Trip to the Oregon Coast Dunes Recreational Area
  • Trip to the Newport Aquarium and Hatfield Marine Science Center
  • Trip to the UO main campus in Eugene and tour of science facilities
  • Trip to the wild and scenic Rogue River
  • Participation in OIMB’s annual Invertebrate Ball

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology?

OIMB is the University of Oregon’s marine laboratory and is located ~2.5 hours from Eugene on the southern Oregon coast in Charleston, OR. Participants in the EMBOC program will live in the dorms and do research on the OIMB campus.

Is the OIMB REU, EMBOC program a paid internship?

Yes, participants in the EMBOC program receive $600/week (or $5400 for the 9-week program) paid monthly and are given room and board in a dorm on the OIMB campus.

Who is eligible to participate?

To be eligible to apply you must be:

  • A US Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  • Attend a 2-year or 4-year college
  • Four-year college students must have completed a minimum of one year of course work including an introductory biology sequence.
  • Two-year college students must have completed one college-level course in introductory biology.
  • Be willing to make a full-time commitment for 9 weeks (40 hours per week)

When is the application deadline and when will I know if I have been accepted?

  • Applications will be accepted until February 1, 2024. Applications will not be reviewed before the deadline.
  • A “submitted application” confirmation message will pop up as you complete your application, but your application will not be complete until we receive your letter of recommendation as well.
  • All communication will be through e-mail so check your e-mail frequently.

What are the expectations of the OIMB REU internship?

We are looking for students that are passionate about marine science, interested in developing skills in scientific research, are hardworking and responsible, and can work collaboratively as part of a team. Participants will conduct an independent research project, supervised by a mentor. You will collect your own data, analyze it and present your results in a poster format at an EMBOC poster session and potentially at a scientific meeting.

You do not need to have had previous research experience as this training is part of the program. We will expect participants to work 40 hours per week with weekend work a possible option. As many projects may involve going out into the field, participants should be healthy and agile enough for mild hiking and tidepooling. Participants should plan to be flexible in their schedule and expect some early morning low tides.

You will participate in program evaluations throughout the internship and respond to annual inquiries from the program managers, Maya Watts and Richard Emlet.

How many students will be participating in the OIMB REU, EMBOC program?

Ten students, five two-year and five four-year college students will participate each summer. One two-year and one four-year college students will be paired in each mentor’s lab. Paired students may work on a single research project or two separate but complementary projects. Student pairs are expected to aid one another with any necessary field work.

What will I be doing in the program aside from research?

Each week students will have a lunch with an OIMB faculty member or a local marine science researcher and will attend a marine biology seminar from a visiting researcher. Additionally, each REU intern will participate in a discussion or skill development workshop covering topics such as ethics in research, STEM development pathways, applying for jobs or graduate school, the use of professional social media, preparation of posters and presentations, conveying research to broader audiences.

Interns will participate in a workshop on ‘how to relay your research to a broader audience’ and serve as ‘scientific experts’ at the newly opened Charleston Marine Life Center, a public outreach museum at OIMB.

What is the schedule of the summer?

Week 1
The internship begins with a couple days of orientation, introductions, getting to know each other, the staff and the mentors. Participants will get lab-specific skills training and explore local marine habitats.

Weeks 2-8
Individual research: Each pair of REU interns (one two-year and one four-year college student) will be paired for the duration of the summer internship with a faculty mentor and their research group (graduate students, research technicians, etc.) to work on an individual project. Students will be closely mentored by members of the host research group for their individual research projects.

Skills workshop: One day per week the cohort of REU interns will spend time together learning various research-related skills – science writing, preparation and delivery of poster and oral presentations – as well as job and graduate school skills like developing a CV and interview techniques using social media as a professional tool. Additionally, Interns will participate in a workshop on ‘how to relay your research to a broader audience’ and serve as scientific experts at the Charleston Marine Life Center, a public outreach museum at OIMB.

Field trips and social events: Each week a social or fieldtrip will be organized among the REU interns and the EMBOC graduate coordinator. Potential events include: visiting the University of Oregon campus in Eugene and touring their biology facilities, taking a dredging boat trip on OIMB’s R/V Pluteus, visiting the Newport Aquarium, Hatfield Marine Science center, playing at the Oregon Dunes recreational area and the wild and scenic Rogue River.

Week 9
Students will present results from their research project in a poster session for EMBOC interns at OIMB.

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

Program managers: