Student Groups

Undergraduate Geology Club

The Geology Club room is located in 310B Cascade Hall, and Regular Meetings are held Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in 200 Cascade Hall. These feature game nights, advising and career presentations, and planning of fun field trips!

In-person tutoring help is available. Contact the group if you are interested in tutoring.


  • President: Kate Wolfinbarger
  • Vice President: Hayden Peabody
  • Treasurers: Molly Cobbs
  • Public Relations: Sarah Schneider
  • Faculty Advisor: Marli Miller

IgDEAS: Inclusivity and Gender Diversity in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

IgDEAS is focused on inclusion and diversity in the Earth sciences. Our mission is to to engage the entire UO Earth Sciences department in creating an environment that empowers womxn and TGNC (transgender and gender non-conforming) individuals to pursue geoscience careers through personal and professional development opportunities.

IgDEAS offers a number of programs specifically for undergraduate students, including tutoring, mentoring, and field equipment scholarships. For more information, contact us.

Our goals:

  • Provide professional development opportunities for members of the UO Earth sciences department geared towards equipping attendees with the technical and practical skills needed to succeed in the field.
  • Develop clear pathways for reporting inappropriate behavior, harassment, and discrimination in a manner that empowers the reporter.
  • Change departmental and greater professional culture to remove both institutional and unspoken barriers that hinder the success of female-identified scientists.

Join us at one of our upcoming events or our bi-weekly meetings! All are welcome!

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