Natural Sciences News

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY - Our health is affected by factors that take root in early childhood and follow us our entire lives. Explore CAS research on a range of health issues, from how sleep affects infant development to what causes age-related memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Read more in the Annual Research Report, out now!
COMPUTER SCIENCE, EARTH SCIENCES, GEOGRAPHY - The world can be hazardous: seismic activity that shakes the earth, rising sea levels and volcanic eruptions that reshape the landscape. Meet some of the CAS scientists who are studying the most powerful forces that threaten humanity.
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, NEUROSCIENCE - Using functional MRI brain imaging, or fMRI, University of Oregon researchers have unraveled some of the neural circuitry behind basic human actions. Their insights, described in a paper published in the journal eNeuro, can be used to improve the design of brain-computer interface technologies, including brain-controlled prosthetic arms that aim to restore movement in people who have lost it.
MATHEMATICS - Mathematical algorithms can help art conservators identify minute blemishes in an artwork and create digital maps to guide their restoration efforts. Award-winning mathematician Ingrid Daubechies from Duke University will share some of these techniques on March 6 in a public talk hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences Mathematics Department.
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Student coders put their creativity to the test at QuackHacks, a 24-hour hackathon organized by computer science students. More than 100 participants, from seasoned computer veterans to those entirely new to coding, showed up for the hackathon. Over 24 hours, they worked in teams to develop computer programs, apps, machine learning models and games to present for judging later in the day.
PSYCHOLOGY - Since earning his PhD from the Department of Psychology in 1996 under the joint supervision of professors emeriti Douglas Hintzman and Michael Posner, Levitin has become one of the most prominent figures in cognitive science. During a recent visit to campus to donate his papers to the UO Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives, Levitin delivered a guest lecture about his new book to students.
DATA SCIENCE - In Applied Data Science for Social Justice, a new course developed by Associate Professor Rori Rohlfs in the School of Computer and Data Sciences, students partner with CAHOOTS in Eugene to help its organizers sift through data they’ve collected from thousands of dispatch calls to glean insights on how they can improve their services.

CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY – An interdisciplinary team led by chemist Matthias Agne has secured an NSF grant for a cryogen-free, state-of-the-art MRI Physical Property Measurement tool that will enable next-generation energy and quantum materials research and education at the University of Oregon. 

BIOLOGY, PHYSICS - A new study published in the journal mBio shows how one kind of bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, triggers those painful contractions by activating the immune system. The research also finds a more general explanation for how the gut rids itself of unwanted intruders, which could also help scientists better understand chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. The research was led by Julia Ngo, a now-graduated doctoral student in Karen Guillemin and Raghu Parthasarathy’s labs.
PHYSICS - Professor Tien-Tien Yu is one of nearly 400 scientists and engineers awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the US government on outstanding scientists and engineers early in their careers.
EARTH SCIENCES - Any moment, the "Big One" could hit the Pacific Northwest. It's been more than 300 years since the last 9.0+ Cascadia earthquake. At the University of Oregon, researchers are working from many angles to make sure people across the region are as prepared as possible.
EARTH SCIENCES - Oregon’s Cascade Range mountains might not hold gold, but they store another precious resource in abundance: water. Scientists from the University of Oregon and their partners have mapped the amount of water stored beneath volcanic rocks at the crest of the central Oregon Cascades and found an aquifer many times larger than previously estimated — at least 81 cubic kilometers.
CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY - Check out the latest in faculty, student and alumni news in our Winter 2025 Chemistry and Biochemistry Newsletter!
PHYSICS - The National Science Foundation has awarded a one-year, $1 million grant to a team led by University of Oregon researchers exploring practical applications for emerging quantum technologies and working to move discoveries beyond the lab. “Oregon has a small group of proficient researchers leading the way globally in quantum technology," said Brian Smith, a professor of physics and director of the Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science.
PSYCHOLOGY - Brice Kuhl is the first faculty member awarded the Dr. Michael Posner Psychology Professorship in Cognition and Neuroscience. This brand-new professorship, awarded in honor of the Department of Psychology’s groundbreaking researcher Michael Posner, will help support Kuhl’s teaching, research and professional development.