University of Oregon Professor Victor Ostrik received the 2024 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory, awarded by the American Mathematical Society. The prize is awarded every two years for notable work in Lie theory published during the preceding six years. The citation for this year's prize acknowledges Ostrik "for his fundamental contributions to the theory of tensor categories, which have already found deep applications in modular representation theory and Lie theory."
Ostrik was born in Mariupol, Ukraine, in 1973. He received his PhD in 1999 from Moscow State University. After graduation, he was awarded a postdoc position at MIT. In 2003, he joined the UO, and for the past three years has been the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Mathematics. Ostrik works in the field of representation theory and was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014.
The three papers cited in the award are: "On symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic," published in Selecta Mathematica, "Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories" (joint with Kevin Coulembier and Pavel Etingof), published in Annals of Mathematics, and "New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic" (joint with Dave Benson and Pavel Etingof), published in Duke Mathematical Journal.
More information on the award is available in the official announcement from the AMS.