PHYSICS - UO physics professor Tim Cohen has become the second researcher from a U.S. institution ever to join the staff at the European Organization for Nuclear Research theory group.
BIOLOGY - For his scientific contributions, Charles “Chuck” Kimmel recently was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the most prestigious professional scientific organization in the U.S.
PHYSICS - Graham Kribs, a theoretical particle physicist at the UO, had a passion for the physical sciences, but he also had a passion for physical activity. It wasn’t until almost 15 years later, though, that Kribs was able to combine the two and make a one-of-a-kind class.
EARTH SCIENCES - Some mountains can move in the blink of a geological eye. A new study finds evidence of surprisingly rapid upward movement of earth’s crust on the island of Taiwan.
PHYSICS - Two new advances from the lab of UO physicist Ben McMorran are refining the microscopes. Both come from taking advantage of a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics: that an electron can behave simultaneously like a wave and a particle.
PHYSICS - The first year Graham Kribs was a faculty member at the University of Oregon, he spent his lunch breaks at the UO Recreation Center taking a rock-climbing course. It wasn’t until almost 15 years later, though, that Kribs was able to combine the two and make a one-of-a-kind class.
BIOLOGY, NEUROSCIENCE - A mutation in a gene called EGR1 snuffs out this social behavior in zebrafish, researchers in the UO's Institute of Neuroscience show in a new study.
PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & BIOCHEMISTRY - The University of Oregon has joined the Northwest Quantum Nexus, a regional coalition of academic, government and industry partners working to advance quantum information sciences.
PHYSICS - A new design for eye and brain implants draws its inspiration from nature. UO researchers have grown rodent retinal neurons on a fractal-patterned electrode, one that mimics the repeating branching pattern in which neurons naturally grow.